Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Rewind With Reluctance

It seems only appropriate that on the day of the week that has somehow gained the nickname "Throwback Thursday" that I am beginning a project that requires a look back at my recent past. 

Today I am compiling the music list, looking through my resources, and searching my memory for material to use to write the script for my Soundtrack 2013 program.

If you're not sure what I'm referring to go back to my January 19 post from this year to find out. 

While I have a long list of songs, writing about the details of the year is going to be a challenge. Don't get me wrong there were some very good things that happened in 2013. 

Watching my granddaughter go from infant to toddler and become the light of my life was amazing and wonderful. Going to the theater with my family and Dollywood for the first time with our friends were great memories. 

But on a personal level, it was a year of many things I'd like to put behind me. Because of that I won't go into details about them either here on in my script. 

This is going to make my 4th soundtrack program a bit different from it's predecessors. I will do my best to put a positive spin on things. The final recording just very well may align with the others.

However, unlike any of the other 3 with my 2013 Rewind Soundtrack programs, I will be omitting more events about the year than I will be including. That's because it was just that kind of year.   

This script writing process will take about a month or so. And then I'll record it as soon as I have my in home digital recording set up complete. So by the end of the year the research and writing I'm beginning on this "Throwback Thursday." will be complete. 

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