Thursday, January 16, 2014

My 600th Post

It was a little over 2 years ago that I posted for the 500th time on this blog. That's an average of one post a week; although I didn't adhere to that pace to be sure. 

So much has happened in my life since that last milestone post. Please, feel free to review posts from January 2012 until now to read for yourself. 

I live a very blessed life. I've done so many things I never though I'd ever be able to do. A lot of them I've written about here. 

But the life event that sits at the top of my list of blessings over the last 2 years is becoming a grandfather. 

Being "Papa" to Aria Nicole Conner since April 17, 2012 is not just the best blessing I've gotten over the last 2 years. It's one of the things I cherish most in my life. 

I love my beautiful little grandbaby more than I could ever express. She and I share a bond I've never known before in my life. 

These pictures taken over the last 6 months capture those brief moments when that bond is visibly evident. One of them is a bit "fuzzy" because of a smudged camera lens. They are all examples of the most precious moments between me and my grand-daughter. 

These pictures are worth more than 10,000 words to me. They show one of the most important and precious gifts in my life. 

Don't get me wrong. Over the last couple of years the way my relationships with my wife and my adult children have grown also. All of my family is at the top of my "cherished" list. But nothing can beat the smile on the face of Miss Aria Nicole when she sees her Papa. 

So that's why I've chosen to write about her in my 600th post. 

If I stick to my goal of publishing a post every day this year post 700 will appear near the end of April. Of course, I have no idea what the subject of that one will be but I'm anxious to find out. Check back with me then. 

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