Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Orson Wells Syndrome

Orson Welles, star and director of the 1941 classic film Citizen Kane (the American Film Institutes's #1 film of all time) gained a lot of weight during the last half of his life.

One time in an interview he was asked why he had gained some much weight. Welles answered that even when he was thin there was always a fat man trying to get out.

I can identify with that. No matter how much weight I lose I will always be drawn to the sin of gluttony. Over the next year to 18 months I will work hard to develop new and proper eating habits. But I know that I will still have the temptation of returning back to being a slave to the sin desire in regard to food.

I must turn my heart away from that desire and look more toward filling it with what God says is right and His desires for my life. I must look to Him as my source for fulfillment and not to other things. Putting my desire for food ahead of God is not only gluttony but also a form of idolatry. Two sins for one behavior.

My goal is, with God's help, to change my heart so that everything in my life is subsequent to my desire to follow and obey Him and His will for my life.

My prayer to God is that he helps me become free of "the Orson Welles Syndrome." I ask Him to redeem me from that "fat man" who is been my life for many years, who corrupts my soul, leads me to sinful behavior which devastatingly effects my relationship with Him. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I know that He will answer my prayer.

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