Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Another Pet For James

Last night Paula and I went to see James play his last game of the season, before playoffs, for our church softball team. When we got there he surprised us with the newest edition to his menagerie of pets he has. It's a 7 week old Shih Tzu puppy which he has named "Sadie" (he says the name is subject to change).
The tiny little pup became our responsibility while he played the game. Paula watched over the tiny little canine holding it inside her light jacket to keep her warm.

The pup is now the sister of James other dog, Brody, a rather large and clumsy male boxer. It will be interesting to see how two dogs with such a difference in size learn to get along with each other.
We'd like to welcome Sadie ( or whatever her name turns our to be) to our pet family. You can't see her too well in this picture but she's tiny enough to fit in James' glove. She's also asleep. But take my word for it; she is a cutie.

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