Thursday, July 2, 2009

The "Food Fight" Begins

Yesterday I started 3 days of a "full liquid" diet in preparation for my surgery this coming Monday. This preparation is a bit different from Paula's because she was on "clear liquids" and only for two days. I will be on "full liquids" for 3 days and then "clear" for 2.

So far I've had several ready to drink protein drinks and my favorite has been the vanilla creame flavored "Oh Yeah". I had a grape flavored one that I like as well.

It's been a tough couple of days for me in that I was really tired, hungry and in a bad mood at times. I guess I'm just going through a period of adjustment; and example of things to come.

I'm also in a time of "mourning" over the foods that I know I'm going to miss because I won't be able to eat them post surgery and those I'm not going to be able to have for a long time. But this is all part of the process of repenting from my "worship" of food and quelling my desire to eat it. It will now take it's place as a part of my life not be a "god" in my life.

This is part of my goal to glorify God with my life. One of the biggest parts of achieving that goal is to establish Him as the only one I worship and honor as Lord of my life. To do that several things must be "dethroned"and put into the proper priority. Food and my desire for eating is one of the "biggies" but there's other battles I'm going to have to fight as well.

But for now I'm going to concentrate on my own personal "Food Fight."

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