Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Taking The First Step Toward 2009 Goals

Two weeks into the year it may seem a little late to write a post about my goals for 2009 . After all a lot of people who made resolutions at the start of the year have already broken them.

What prompts me to write about goals for the year is taking the initial steps taken in accomplishing 2 of them over the past week.

Last Friday I took a couple of hours out of the day to get back to transferring my Rock & Roll Rewind shows from tape to CD. I now have 8 programs reformatted and still have 27 to go. Although it's been a goal for a while I want to make 2009 the year I finish what I call my "Rewind Reclamation Project". I will do that by committing to recording 1 program a week.

The other goal I began to work on is a goal that both Paula and I have set for ourselves this year: repair, restoration, and reorganization of our home. This goal has quite a few aspects to it. We probably won't be able to accomplish it completely in 2009. Nevertheless we want to actively work on it.

Step 1 in achieving that goal happened last Sunday. We spent the day working on rearranging our bedroom in preparation for setting up our new HD flat screen TV. In order to make the new TV easier to watch as we are relaxing we moved my dresser to a different position. We place it across the far left corner of the room. Monday I set up the TV and we watched it before falling asleep that night. This is just a small step in our "year of the house" project but it is a step nonetheless.

So "fixing up the house", and the "Rewind Project" are two goals I've set for myself this year. Some of the others include: A continued improvement of our finances by reducing our credit card debt, selling items on Ebay and applying the profits to the credit cards.

In the areas of health my biggest goals are to finally have my lap band surgery and support Paula as she has gastric by pass surgery. In addition I want to exercise (aka walking) at least every other day this year. This will all result in dramatic weight loss and better health.

Spiritually, I want to grow closer to being the Christian God wants me to be. I want to honor God with my life and my deeds. There are so many aspects to that goal. The primary one in my life now, which I anticipate will continue this year, is continued recognition of sin in my life, through the work of the Holy Spirit, and repentance from all ungodly things.

Also I want to become better at talking with other Christians about the gospel and the growth of life as a Christian. I want to make the first thing I ask a fellow believer when I see them to be "What's God doing in your life?" and instead of "Did you see that baseball game on TV last week?"

I've read and learned so much about what it means to belong to Jesus Christ during 2008. I need to be able to use that knowledge to teach, encourage and bless my Christian brothers and sisters.

So there you have it, my goals for 2009. Now that they're written on this blog if I am to be a man of Godly character I'm committed to working and achieving them. Please pray for me as I set out this year to do just that.

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