Tuesday, June 9, 2009

RH Factor 2.0: A New Beginning

Okay, This is the first time I've posted in over 2 weeks. I'll admit I haven't been as faithful in writing entries over the first half of this year as I was last year. One of the many reasons for this is that I realized my motivation for blogging had changed. This is rather difficult to explain in writing but I began to think that this blog was all about me. That's what I had made it.

Now I know because of what I write about most of the time it might seem true that this blog is all about me. It's not supposed to be a "hey look at me and what's special about me" type blog. That's not what this blog started out but that's what it became. I was motivated to post only when I wanted to "brag" or there was something exciting happening in my life. When nothing like that was happening I didn't write. That's why I my posting have dropped off this year; Nothing I considered exciting has been happening to me.

While one of the purposes of this blog is to share the events of my life with family and friends that I don't see or talk to on a regular basis, it's not my top priority. I created this blog so that readers will know about the things happening in my life. I want them to see and understand that the battles and victories and all other experiences of life, especially the Christian life, are common. Some of the same things my readers go through I want them to know I go through and struggle with too.

Now I must admit humor is a big part of my personality and a lot of the times I write about my life with posts that are full of jokes. But just the fact that I had to deal with being unemployed for nearly 9 months last year, and I've come to the point where I'm going to have a drastic life changing surgery in a couple of weeks is evidence that my life is not all one big laugh; no body's is.

Sure I like it when people laugh at my jokes or tell me that they read something on my blog that they thought was funny. Pats on the back or kind words after a ventriloquist performance are wonderful. Very rewarding. But what I need much more than that is the support of my family, Christian brothers and sisters, and friends when I'm going through something in my life that makes it difficult to laugh. That's when I need You!

More importantly, I want to be there to help and support you when you need me. That's what I want this blog to be. I want it to be a place where my readers can see common ground between what they are going through and what I've been through or am going through. I want them to know that I understand how life can be hard sometimes.

As Christians our battle is common. We all need to help each other. I need help a lot of times and don't ask for it. Now I don't want this to come off as a corny "let's join hands and hug each other" appeal. What I am pledging to do with this blog is share what I am going through in my life so that I can possibly be a help to you. In return I am asking for some help and encouragement from you.

When you read a blog post that you can identify with or has helped you or you have some encouraging words for me email me and let me know. From all that I've read about and been told about my gastric by pass surgery the next year or so is going to be an experience unlike any other I've had in my life. I'm going to need some support. I know I can count on my family and friends to be there for me to help me through it. It is also my prayer that my battles will help you in some way.

So I'll say it once again. I want this blog to become a conduit of communication between my readers and me. With this post I'm "resetting" the goals of RH Factors. It's now RH Factors 2.0. A new beginning and a new purpose; or at least a return to it's original purpose.

Now don't think this means my blog is going to turn into a journal of "test and moans" and become a melodrama. I will continue to write about the people, places, and events that bring joy and wonder to my life. I can't help but want to share God's blessing in my life. He is faithful with His blessings. I must let the whole world (or at least my blog readers) the blessings He has given me.

Okay so now it's time to start posting and sharing. Fortunately I've got a new computer to help me along the way. A virus took out my old computer about a week ago. Anyone who's dealt with that raise your hand. That's an all too common experience these days.

Thank you for taking the time to read my reasons for launching RH Factors 2.0 My objective as I undertake my own personal battle and change in my life is to take the focus off myself and look to helping others. I want to help you.

Email your comments and anything else you want to let me know to Rewindguy909@aol.com . I'm looking forward to walking down the road of life with the company and support of my readers, family, fellow Christians, and friends. Then having the privilege of being able to turn right around and give it all back to you and then some. That's my prayer.

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