Monday, August 4, 2008

Double Features Weekends

This weekend my wife and I did something that we've been doing every weekend for the last month or so. We watched two DVD movies. We had gotten out of the habit of watching movies together for various reasons. After a year or so of only going to the theater a couple a times we realized that there's a whole new crop of movies now on DVD that we want to see. We rejoined NetFlix about a month ago and have been watching movies together every weekend since.

The latest two were: The Bee Movie & 27 Dresses. I wanted to see "The Bee Movie" because it was Jerry Seinfeld's first voice over for animated feature. I wanted to see if the mastermind behind what's been crowned as TV's all time greatest sitcom could make it in the movies. The movie had some good jokes and sight gags in it but the overall feel of the film and it's environmentalist message just didn't work for me.

"27 Dresses" was an interesting concept for a romantic comedy but the actors, the director and the screen writers all missed the boat. It was a sure fire premise but not for one minute were any of the characters believable or convincing. The plot was predictable and the look of the film was the same as any typical Hollywood romantic comedy. "27 Dresses" should have been called "27 Yawns"

That's enough of my personal reviews for now. I just wanted to let the world know that as a couple we are back to spending time together in our living room surrounded by the sound of our home theater system and enjoying movies on the big screen TV...and we don't even have to go to the video store. Thanx NetFlicks.

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