Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Finally, A Snowfall Worth Blogging About

Authors Note: Been a few days since I've published a post. The last one was the first of a pair about my dog, Angel. I planned on posting the 2nd in the series next followed by one about my childhood dreams and other things I've been thinking about, discovered or learned about lately. But then the biggest snowfall since 1994 hit Smiths Grove on Monday. That changed the complexion of this week. Here's what has happened so far. 

The winter has been a bit frustrating for me this year. Because I've been working as a transportation driver and am traveling all around Warren County all day, I have to deal with the weather no matter what it may be.  

What little bit of snow we've gotten over the last 3 months has been nothing but a nuisance. A couple of times it's made the roads a bit slick and driving a bit tricky. But it always turns out to be much ado about nothing. 

The temperatures, which have seemingly alternated from subfreezing to springlike almost on a day-to-day basis, have made dressing for getting in and out of my van pretty much a "best guess" every day.

My frustration lies in the weather's inconsistency. So what did I do in my exasperation? I had a "talk" with winter during the first week of February. 

Make up your mind. I mean is it winter or is it spring? Also if you're going to bring us snow then make it a snow worth dealing with. If you're not going to do that then quit teasing us with flurries or squalls that barely cover the ground and make the roads just slippery enough to be annoying. 

My tone during my little ultimate was serious but I felt it fell on "deaf ears". And then a few days ago my tirade was answered in a "be careful what you ask for" manner. 

The first flakes fell about 3AM Monday morning and it didn't stop until after sundown that day.

I made a series of videos throughout the day and posted them on my RHFactors YouTube channel. Here are the links: 
February 16 Snow Report 1
February 16 Snow Report 2
February 16 Snow Report 3
February 16 Snow Report 4

This shot of the snow built up on our deck railing was taken just after the flakes stopped falling. 

Here is the proof of the depth of the snow just outside our carport in front of our house. 
Both Paula and I have been at home since the snow started. I've been off because my company has been closed and Paula has been working from home via her laptop and cellphone. 

Yesterday, we got dressed in layers of clothing, put on boots, hats, and gloves and headed outside. We dug out my car, making a path out of our driveway. I am really disappointed that I didn't take pictures of my car before I cleaned it off. It was covered up with the most snow ever. 

But I did take pictures of it when it was covered up again Wednesday morning with a couple more inches of white stuff. 

Here's the brief video I shot Wednesday as well. 

On Wednesday afternoon I went back outside and finished shoveling; making it possible to get Paula's car off the carport and out of the driveway. 

It was a very strange experience shoveling so much snow here for the first time. I mean I've shoveled as much if not more snow before in my life. But not in my 16 years living in Kentucky. It was kind of disorienting and surreal to a degree.  
As I sit here writing this blog late Wednesday night we are supposed to have record breaking below 0 temperatures over night. They're talking -10 or lower. 

We have taken all the proper precautions such as: opening faucets that have water pipes on exterior walls and running a small space heater in our back bathroom.

Tomorrow I am off of work again so I am driving Paula to her office. Then I'm going to Walmart and paying our utility bills. I'll be glad to get out and about for the first time in 4 days. I've got a little bit of cabin fever. 

So there's what my week has been like. It's been the worst week of the winter so far. What has been yours? How much snow have you had where you live? I'd be interested to know. 

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