Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another Change Of Venue

I have been working at my current part time job for 7 weeks. I started out at a county district school about 20 miles from my house. 

After a week there, I voluntarily changed to a city district school close to the college campus; 3 miles closer to home. I've really enjoyed my 5 1/2 weeks there. 

But today I found out that there's an opening for a group leader (my job title) at the school that's just down the street from my house. I start there tomorrow. 

I can now walk or ride my bike to work. That will save me about $120 a month in gas. It's a very good thing. 

Not only that, the school where I will work in the after school program is the same one where I've been helping the 5th & 6th graders with their Lego models.

I know a lot of the teachers and students at the school. I am excited about this change. It's the place I wanted to work since the day I got hired. 

 I will work for 2 days at my new location and then have next week off for Spring break. But then it's back to work for the next 7 weeks at the school whose class bell and PA announcements I can hear from my front yard. 



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